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December 9-10, 2019 | Barcelona, Spain
Volume 14
International Conference on
International Conference on
Journal of Orthopaedics Trauma Surgery
and Related Research
Rheumatology Congress 2019 & Anatomy and Physiology 2019
December 09-10, 2019
J Orthop Trauma Surg Rel Res, ISSN: 1897-2276
Finding an optimal time interval to maximize outcomes and minimize morbidity and
mortality in staged bilateral total knee arthroplasty
Safa Fassihi
George Washington University, USA
: Demand for total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is projected to increase by over six-fold in the next decade. Along with
that, the number of patients who are indicated for arthroplasty of both knees will likely increase at a similar rate. Several studies
have compared the functional outcomes, perioperative morbidity, and complication rates of patients undergoing simultaneous
bilateral total knee arthroplasty (BTKA) versus staged BTKA. Despite that, there remains a lack of consensus regarding how the
various timing schemes in staged BTKA affect morbidity, complications, mortality, and outcomes.
: The literature was queried using searches with keywords “bilateral total knee arthroplasty,” “staged,” “timing,”
“interval,” “complications,” “morbidity,” and “mortality.” Clinical outcomes, functional outcomes, complications, morbidity,
and mortality data from selected articles were compiled and categorized by interval for staged BTKA. Resulting papers that met
strict inclusion criteria were stratified by staged intervals: 7 to 21 days, 22 to 90 days, 91 to 180 days, 181 to 270 days, 271 to 365
days, and greater than 365 days. The clinical and functional outcome scores, complications, morbidity, and mortality data were
compared among intervals to determine the optimal timing for staged BTKA.
: In total, 7 articles met the inclusion criteria and were included in this review. Overall, there was a lack of consensus
regarding optimal timing for staged BTKA, as well as a lack of standardization when investigating the optimal time interval.
There was no significant difference between time intervals for staged
Safa Fassihi is a US-based physician pursuing a career in orthopedic total joint arthroplasty. His research focuses on newer arthroplasty
techniques and how they affect patient outcomes. In this specific analysis, he collaborated with a US board-certified orthopedic surgeon
who performs a high volume of both simultaneous and staged bilateral total knee arthroplasty.