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December 9-10, 2019 | Barcelona, Spain
Volume 14
International Conference on
International Conference on
Journal of Orthopaedics Trauma Surgery
and Related Research
Rheumatology Congress 2019 & Anatomy and Physiology 2019
December 09-10, 2019
J Orthop Trauma Surg Rel Res, ISSN: 1897-2276
Response to immunomodulator treatment as diagnostic criterion of cirrhosis due to
autoimmune hepatitis
Laura Camila Cáceres
Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga, Colombia
utoimmune hepatitis is a progressive inflammatory disease that directly attacks the hepatocytes, in the long term and without
timely treatment leads to cirrhosis. Worldwide, it is estimated between 11.6-35.9 cases/100,000 inhabitants, therefore, in
medical practice it is low considered in the diagnosis of chronic hepatitis; because the simplified diagnostic criteria for this disease
are complex, since they focus on expensive diagnostic means and in low and middle income countries, access is difficult, the
opportunity for diagnosis and treatment is also important Consider the sensitivity of these. In addition, it is important to consider
the sensitivity of these diagnostic means. Some cases are atypical, in which clinical improvement with immunomodulatory
treatment is highlighted as a diagnostic criterion of the classic criteria of 1999 to establish the diagnosis of autoimmune hepatitis
due to the high sensitivity of the response to treatment evidenced at 48 hours. Therefore, it is important to consider the start of
immunomodulatory treatment against autoimmune hepatitis once the main causes of chronic liver disease have been ruled out,
despite not fulfilling the diagnostic criteria, as this prevented progression of the disease, a fatal outcome and mortality in the
patient. The absence of immunosuppressive therapy between diagnostic criteria is a limitation for diagnosis and treatment.