Journal of Orthopaedics Trauma Surgery and Related Research

Journal of Orthopaedics Trauma Surgery and Related Research

An Official Journal of Polish Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology

e-ISSN: 2449-9145

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Effect of physical activity on enhancing bone health among women

Webinar on Orthopedics, Osteoporosis, Rheumatology & Trauma Care

March 15, 2022 | Webinar

Zainab Cutlerywala

Institute of Nutrition and Fitness Sciences, India

ScientificTracks Abstracts: J Orthop Trauma Surg Rel Res

Abstract :

Statement of the Problem: In India, about 46 million women are known to be suffering from osteoporosis. Numerous studies reported that as age progresses, the chance of getting osteoporosis increases. Since the visible physical parameters of the condition are non-recognizable, many a time, osteopenia and osteoporosis are overlooked. Physical activity is regarded as the standby for the prevention as well as management of osteoporosis. Still, there's a lack of evidence based on physical activity and bone. Thus, the current study was conducted to analyze the impact of physical activity and lifestyle changes in enhancing bone wellbeing among women. Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: A literature search was carried out till 2021. The articles with titles on physical activity and osteoporosis were chosen from databases such as PubMed, Science Direct, and Elsevier. The paper is presented under the following heads- the prevalence of osteoporosis among Indian women. Secondly, interpret studies related to modifiable and non-modifiable factors for osteoporosis. Thirdly, the effect of physical activity and lifestyle changes in enhancing bone health. Findings: Osteoporosis is a serious health condition that diminishes the quality of life. Although there are activities comparable to doing household tasks and staying active, studies state these aren't adequate to prevent osteoporosis. Studies report that physical activities, especially weight-bearing exercise are proven to enhance and maintain muscle and bone strength. As muscular endurance is achieved, it will promote coordination and prevent falls. And muscular endurance and balance activities will promote coordination and will prevent falls which may lead to fractures. Just indulging in household chores will not affect bone health, there have to be weight-bearing exercises to show any improvement in bone health. Conclusion & Significance: Physical activity is a widely accessible and highly modifiable factor for overall health and bone health. The amount of regular physical activity at a moderate level could have a significant role in enhancing bone health. Keywords: Physical activity, Osteoporosis, Women, Bone Mineral Density.

Biography :

An INFS Expert Certificate and ESS certification holder and has been training online in Fittr for two years She is an Asst. Faculty at INFS and handles various papers at INFS.

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