An Official Journal of Polish Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology
e-ISSN: 2449-9145
American football is a sports discipline involving a high-risk of injuries. The aim of the study is a quantitative analysis of injuries reported by the players. The following aspects have ...
Introduction. Human cadaveric cutaneous allografts are used in burns surgery usually as a temporary dressing preparing wound bed for further surgical procedures. In many cases concurrent a...
WstÄ™p. Skóra pobrana od zmarÅ‚ych dawców wykorzystywana jest w chirurgii oparzeÅ„ zazwyczaj jako opatrunek tymczasowy przygotowuj...
A chronic wound is the loss of skin and other tissue, which does not heal in the period normally required for treatment of other wounds. Treatment of these wounds may be long and requires ...
Rana przewlekła jest ubytkiem skóry i innych tkanek, który nie goi się w czasie normalnie potrzebnym na wyleczenie innych ran. Leczenie tych ran moż...
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