An Official Journal of Polish Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology
e-ISSN: 2449-9145
Proprioception in the rehabilitation of patients with foot and talocrural joint is based on influence on neural networks. Neurons form networks of connections and, stimulated by whole populations, they make three nervous system integration levels related to movement control: spinal, subcortical and cortical. All the three OUN integration levels related to movement control acquire information from a number of specialised mechanoreceptors located in the organ of sight, within the vestibular organ, in the skin, joints and muscles, which form a kind of an eye of the nervous system, called proprioceptors. The core of a proprioceptive rehabilitation regimen includes a sequence of exercises beginning from early stimulation of proprioceptors and spinal areas and leading to restoration of full functional fitness and neuromuscular control of the foot in the end.
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