An Official Journal of Polish Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology
e-ISSN: 2449-9145
Introduction: Pain is a sensoric and emotional experience as well. Emotional experience leads to multidirectional disturbance of organism functions. The aim of study is evaluation of previous pain management based on “fixed” dosage of analgetics and comparing such management with analgetics supply based on chosen scale of pain intensity. Material and methods: Research was based on randomly chosen 200 patients, treated at Burn Center in year 2007, both-genders, age 18-67 (avg. 43,4) with thermal injury grade IIa/IIb/III0 and TBSA% 15-45. Patients were divided into 2 groups, 100 persons each. In group I pain treatment was based on “fixed” dosage, in group II pain treatment was modified based on VAS pain intensity scale. Conclusions: 1. Modification of standard analgetic therapy based on pain experience assessment , using numeric scale is effective method of pain management in burn patients. 2. In pain management of burn patients, close cooperation of multidisciplinary medical team is a very important factor. 3. Frequent correction of analgetic therapy dependent on patient’s requirement and treatment stage, is essential.
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