An Official Journal of Polish Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology
e-ISSN: 2449-9145
Introduction: Jaffe’s definition for benign osteoblastoma is a rare bone neoplasm characterized by vascular osteoid and a bone-forming matrix rich in osteoblast. It’s a rare benign locally aggressive osteoblastic lesion of the bone with a very low risk of becoming cancerous.
Case Report: In this case, a twenty-three-year-old man complained of difficulty in walking and pain that had been interfering with his everyday activities for a year. A palpable mass was present on inspection, and an X-ray revealed an enlarged lytic lesion in the talar body involving articular cartilage. Wide excision, bone grafting, and talo-navicular fusion with cannulated cancellous screw fixation were used to treat it. Osteoblastoma is verified by histopathology. Patient was on non-weight bearing with a below-knee cast for six weeks, followed by three months of partial weight-bearing. After six months, the patient had a satisfactory range of motion and was able to bear full weight. Symptoms were relieved, and there was no sign of recurrence after a year.
Conclusion: The better treatment option for osteoblastoma of the talus is surgical wide excision and talo-navicular fusion with cannulated cancellous screw fixation and bone grafting.
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